19: Distribution-free methods
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We introduced the concept of permutation tests in our chapter on parameter estimates and statistical error (Chapter 3.3). Jackknife and bootstrapping are permutation approaches to working with data when the Central Limit theorem is unlikely to apply or, rather, we don’t wish to make that assumption. The jackknife is a sampling method involving repeatedly sampling from the original data set, but each time leaving one value out. The estimator, for example, the sample mean, is calculated for each sample. The repeated estimates from the jackknife approach yield many estimates which, collected, are used to calculate the sample variance. Jackknife estimators tend to be less biased than those from classical asymptotic statistics. Bootstrapping, and not jackknife resampling, is now the preferred permutation approach (add citations).
Bootstrapping involves large numbers of permutations of the data, which, in short, means we repeatedly take many samples of our data and recalculate our statistics on these sets of sampled data. We obtain statistical significance by comparing our result from the original data against how often results from our permutations on the resampled data sets exceed the originally observed results. By permutation methods, the goal is to avoid the assumptions made by large-sample statistical inference. Since its introduction, “bootstrapping” has been shown to be superior in many cases for statistics of error compared to the standard, classical approach (add citations).
Permutation vs classical NHST approach
There are many advocates for this approach, and, because we have computers now instead of the hand calculators our statistics ancestors used, permutation methods may be the approach you will take in your own work. However, the classical approach has it’s strengths; when the conditions, that is, when the assumptions of asymptotic statistics are met by the data, then the classical approaches tend to be less conservative than the permutation methods. By conservative, statisticians mean that a test performs at the level we expect it to. Thus, if the assumptions of classical statistics are met they return the correct answer more often than do the permutation tests.
- 19.1: Jackknife sampling
- The jackknife is a sampling method involving repeatedly sampling from the original data set, but each time leaving one value out, and calculating an estimator (e.g. the mean) from each of these samples. How to use R to perform jackknife sampling. Note: questions and significant text material are pending.
- 19.2: Bootstrap sampling
- Bootstrapping is a sampling method involving repeatedly sampling with replacement from the original data set, allowing estimation of confidence intervals without assuming a particular theoretical distribution. How to use R to perform bootstrap sampling. Note: questions are pending.
- 19.3: Monte Carlo methods
- Monte Carlo methods for using repeated random sampling to estimate properties of a frequency distribution. Includes discussion of the Markov chain Monte Carlo approach to solve large-scale problems. Note: section is still under construction.